Enhanced customer
experience for the
Municipality of Athens
In Optechain we strive for perfection. It is embedded in our core values,
and it is the reason why we invest in research and development.
We are always engaged in the process of optimizing our services and incorporating lessons-learned from implementation of challenging projects with our customers.
The largest Municipality in Greece serves thousands of people every day in its headquarters and during rush hours citizens come and go with numerous requests. The City of Athens came to us with a challenge: how can we find a more efficient, engaging way to convey information to our citizens and at the same time assist the front office services to handle the elevated numbers of people visiting with inquiries, while significantly increasing citizen satisfaction and engagement?
At the same time, City of Athens needed to take pressure off their customer service front desk which had endless waiting lines. Many of those people would eventually drop the line and end up being dissatisfied by the services provided.
We came back with an integrated solution, which enhanced customer experience for the citizens of Athens and provided more productive means of operations for the Municipality’s employees.
First off, we offered an agile, cloud-based content management system accessible online, in which they could upload major clusters of information, traditionally asked by the citizens and an integrated Digital Queueing solution (lines) & Digital Signage solution (Screens).
The systems utilize digital signage screens and interactive kiosks positioned within the General Secretariat of the Municipality of Athens. The digital signage screens inform the citizens about the time required in the waiting lines and at the same time, the interactive kiosks with touch screen displays are used to print tickets for the diverse service desks.
The citizens are then able to scan the tickets’ QR code with their smartphones’ cameras to connect to the web-based application, get notified about their service time and access other information, such as how many people have priority in line, or get alternative ways on how to spend their time until their turn comes. In addition to the web-based application addressing citizens, the digital queuing solution integrates a web-based clerk application, with which employees give priority to the next person in line. The systems are designed to offer an immersive and friendly user experience for both citizens and employees.
City of Athens has already achieved cost reduction and enhanced customer experience with elevated ratings from its citizens.
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